New Website Tab “Resources”
All the software and hardware you need to get started in one place
October 28th, 2023
Additions to the website are always fun, but need value, In the past, tools and hardware needed for overclocking have been scattered all over the web and it takes lots of reading and research, not to mention peer to peer communication to learn about hardware and tools on market. That wasn’t my favorite way to keep the community growing
Starting today, I will be fully supporting and growing the resource tab on my website. With dropdowns for categories, it will be a one stop shop for general software, and links to hardware needed for OC. This list will grow with time, and if there is any tools you would like to add please email them to me.
All links redirect you to the original host site, nothing is affiliated, nothing is 3rd party*. Each link has a very brief description on what the resource is commonly used for, but that doesn’t mean that’s all the tool does. I hope this is a value add to the community and helps new people get started faster and with less frustration.
*- Some tools no longer have an original host or natively use sites like guru3d to host. When available the direct link is used; if not, then the most common community option is in its place.